LEGO BASED THERAPY Basic Certification Course

Date: 15th of march4,5 y 6 de diciembre
Schedule: 10am to 4pm (Argentina time)
Course Modality: Live via zoom
About Course
Learn about LEGO-Based Therapy, its development, and evidence base.
Learn about LEGO materials and how they are used in LEGO-Based Therapy.
Learn how and why LEGO-Based Therapy works.
Understand how LEGO-Based Therapy was developed.
Understand the importance of LEGO-Based Therapy for repairing social development.
Observe a live example of collaborative scenario building by a small group and much more.
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For International Residents
You can pay with a credit card in your currency, and up to 3 installments via PayPal.
Important: For payments made through PayPal, please specify the course name and the participant’s name.